The First Oratory Boy | Ep. 15
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Don Bosco was deeply affected by the pathetic scenes he saw in Turin of so many youths on the path of dishonor and perdition. They didn’t observe the divine law because they were unaware of it. They outraged their Creator without even knowing Him and Don Bosco felt motivated to take prompt and solicitous care of them.
His innocent heart was greatly embittered at the thought that most of those poor souls were miserably lost because they were not instructed in the truths of the faith. Groaning with the Prophet Isaiah, he exclaimed, “Oh! these people are ignorant of the things of salvation; hell has enlarged its bosom and opened its boundless chasms; there shall fall their champions, the people, the great and the mighty.” (Is 5:13-14).
Don Bosco had thought long and hard about when or even how to begin his Oratory for boys and was waiting for an opportunity to fulfill his design when an unexpected event opened the way. It occurred on December 8, 1841, the solemn feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God, which was especially fitting because any family needs a loving mother to be well-ordered, educated and protected. Our Lady selected that special feastday to signify that she was to be the most pious Mother and powerful Protectress of the Oratory.
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