Miracles and Prophecies of Saint John Bosco

Significant Changes to this Podcast

1 year ago

Hello podcast listeners! I just wanted to jump on here and say that “The Miracles and Prophecies of St. John Bosco Podcast” is going to be a little bit different from here on out.

I can’t tell you how many people have told me that they prefer long-form podcasts: the longer, the better and I totally agree with that as an avid audiobook listener, myself. Ten-minute episodes may work for YouTube, but I can understand being a bit frustrated with that in podcast form. So, I decided that at the end of every month I would take all the 10 minute YouTube episodes from that month and make one big podcast episode out of it. So the episode titles will be something like, “March, 2023 — Episodes 17-31.” I do hope that it will make it easier for everyone involved. However, if you’re dying to know what’s going on before the big podcast comes out, you can always swing by the YouTube channel and check out a couple of episodes as a teaser. Lastly, I can’t believe how many people are already listening to this podcast and I appreciate every one of you; I will be including you in my daily Rosary!

St. John Bosco, pray for us!

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_uaY6ngcypCBiT9Jev5rgw