Miracles and Prophecies of Saint John Bosco

To Hell and Back -- St. John Bosco: Part 4 | Ep. 23

1 year ago

Watch the video: https://youtu.be/tkocz1Ew37k

This is the final part of St. John Bosco’s Bosco’s vision of Hell. In order to merit from the graces God is giving us in hearing about this dream, I ask that before the video, everyone pray a Hail Mary to Our Lady Help of Christians, who Don Bosco loved so much.

In reflecting on this Dream, one should remember that the true Catholic can be serene, joyous, even lively, he can be whatever is permissible by the Commandments, but must have a permanent foundation of seriousness. Look at Saint John Bosco’s picture. We see charity, tranquility and serenity, but above all; we see a profound seriousness. Why such a seriousness? Because everything in life is serious, and we are dealing with the gravest and most serious thing that exists: Our eternal destiny.

Above all, for the Catholic there is a celestial medicine for carrying the cross of seriousness, expressed in the ineffable words, “Salve Regina, Mater Misericordiae, vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve!” (Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope!) Pray to Our Lady. She will smile. And one smile from Her gives us the strength for a hundred years of seriousness.

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